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Terms & Conditions

Payment due: You pay, I bake! Payment is required up front so that I can source your cute cutters, spectacular sprinkles, and perfect packaging. Your payment reserves your pick up date too! Win win for all of us!


Price Adjustments:  All prices are subject to change. Prices are often dictated by ingredient costs. I'm always trying to provide the best tasting cookies to my clients. This also means I can't honor old pricing (because the local grocery store won't honor their old flour prices - darn it).


Inspiration: Thanks tons for bringing those inspo pictures! They're just that - inspiring. But your cookies will not be perfect replicas, I will not exactly copy another cookier's work! I will work with you to achieve your vision, but I do have full creative freedom.


Pick up: I value your time and will have your cookies ready at our agreed upon date and time, please value my time as well and be there for pickup at our agreed upon time. I have a busy schedule and cannot guarantee I will be home if you arrive early. If you do not come at the agreed upon time, your cookies will be left in my pick up cooler on my front porch and I am no longer responsible for them. They will remain there for 24 hours, at which time they may be donated or offered for flash sale.


It's All Yours Now: Once you pickup your order (thanks again, by the way), what happens to your cookies, cocoa bombs or other treats is all on you! Keep 'em safe, keep 'em cool.


Pictures are worth a thousand words: But they're not always accurate. Colors and lighting in photos may be slightly different than what you end up with. Also - cookies in photos may not be true to size! (which is a bummer, I'd frankly love to eat an 8.5x11 in cookie)


Cancellations: Cancellations will be addressed on a case by case basis, however, custom cookie orders are non-refundable.  Payment can be used as a credit for a future order to be used within 1 year of the original event date (although I cannot guarantee your original price). If there is an emergency on my end and I am unable to fulfill the order, a full refund will be issued.


Eenie Meenie Order Minimums: (that didn’t rhyme – I’m a baker not a poet). I require a minimum of one dozen! Need fewer? Stay tuned for flash sales on my Facebook page or holiday sales!


No Ghosts: (I’m easily spooked): To get your order juuust right, I’ll need you to reply to my messages within 5 hours – otherwise, I may just have to wing it.


Thanks for reading: Nobody likes reading the fine print. If you made it this far, mention the fine print clause and I will include an extra cookie with your set!


Cottage Food Laws: This order has been made in a home kitchen not inspected by the state. Our kitchen is not nut free, egg free, dairy free, gluten free. Boring disclaimer, but we have to say it per the law. *tips cowboy hat* *straightens Sheriff pin*


In a hurry? While I can't accommodate all last minute orders, I will make my best effort to. Orders placed with a turnaround time of under 7 days will require a rush fee of 15%.

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